Category: Knitting

  • Every Day I Write the Book

    Reference The following projects have gotten me to try something new for me: taking notes. You see, usually, I just go by memory and examining the first item I knit of a pair to knit the second one of the set. That doesn’t seem to be working for me anymore. Case 1: These are Seed…

  • What I Got

    Reference Another Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival has come and gone. This year, the weather could not have been more perfect. It was just cool enough for those that wanted to wear the sweaters and shawls that they had knit could do so without dying from heatstroke, and it was sunny the entire weekend. People…

  • Yesterday’s Songs

    Reference I was starting to put this entry together and was thinking about what I was going to say about the final product, when I realized that I have really gotten behind on showing things here and never showed the yarn that I used for it. This is yarn that I spun a little over…

  • Wave on Wave

    Reference You may remember this handspun from a while ago. The fiber is superwash merino and bamboo from Fiber Optic. When I saw it, it reminded me of water, which made me think of my sister, as she and her family like going “downy oshun”. (No, they do not talk like that.) With that in…

  • Like a Feather

    Reference Back around Thanksgiving, Mr. Penney was talking to his mother. At this time, she hinted that it would be really nice if I could knit her a cowl like she saw at J.C.Penney. I went and took a look at the cowls that J.C.Penney was selling, and decided that I did not like any…

  • Wrap Her Up

    Reference Well, the temperatures have dropped here; and I have finished Mr. Penney’s Christmas present just in time for him to use it! Now, don’t get too excited. It’s his Christmas present from last year. (In my defense, he was given the option of a scarf from yarn that was already spun, or from fiber…

  • Pretty in Pink

    Reference Well, my niece, Colleen, is expecting a little girl (really soon!) I don’t think anyone ever doubted that I would make her something. Because, well, really, must I explain? The pattern for this matinee jacket is from a Hayfield pattern book from years ago. I am pretty sure that the pattern book is not…

  • Where Have You Been

    Reference Well, I didn’t post for the whole month of July. Wish that I had a good excuse for that, but I don’t. True, there are things that I am working on that I can’t show to the world just yet, (and to those of you who know what they are: Hush! Don’t spoil the…

  • Goody Two S(ock)s

    Reference It has been awhile since I have posted about socks, hasn’t it? Actually, it has been awhile since I have posted, period. In any case, finally I have a post about socks. Not just one pair, but two! Both pairs are patterns that I have done before, for the most part. I previously did…

  • In Bloom

    Reference It is not often that I see something that someone else has made and want to make it, but when I saw Roseann’s Azalea Center Piece, I knew I wanted to knit the pattern myself. I immediately purchased the book the pattern was in, The First Book of Modern Lace Knitting, as well as…