Author: textillian

  • Madison Fund

    In case you are interested, the shawl that I spun and wove is up for raffle this month. Tickets are $5 each. For more information, check out the Madison Fund webpage for Triadelphia Veterinary Clinic. Thanks for your support!

  • Hound Dog

    Reference Well, I said that I would tell you what was keeping me away from the blog, so here it is. Actually, it is more than one thing. I have been very busy at work, so coming home to sit at the computer to write some more isn’t high on my list of things to…

  • Thank you!

    Thank you to all that have donated in support of my run in the Race for the Cure. As always, it is very much appreciated. This year, I ran my fastest 5K. That was truly unexpected. I finished in 23:10. My previous best was 23:38. Yeah! To celebrate that, I have added these shibori scarves…

  • Missing You

    Reference Hi all! It has been a while, hasn’t it? (Please don’t go back and count how many times I have said that in this blog.) A lot has gone on since that last post. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. I will get into all of that later, but right now, I am raising…

  • Every Day I Write the Book

    Reference The following projects have gotten me to try something new for me: taking notes. You see, usually, I just go by memory and examining the first item I knit of a pair to knit the second one of the set. That doesn’t seem to be working for me anymore. Case 1: These are Seed…

  • Still

    Reference This blanket started out as just wanting to make a blanket to enter into the blanket competitions at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this year. Now, being that I came up with this bright idea somewhere around March, I knew I didn’t have time to spin the yarn for the blanket. In fact,…

  • What I Got

    Reference Another Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival has come and gone. This year, the weather could not have been more perfect. It was just cool enough for those that wanted to wear the sweaters and shawls that they had knit could do so without dying from heatstroke, and it was sunny the entire weekend. People…

  • Get Lucky

    Reference If you are judge for Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, please turn back now.

  • Point of No Return

    Reference These socks took close to forever for me. I blame this on the needles. No, really. The needles. And those needles? Signature Needle Arts 6 inch double points. Why? Because they are too damn pointy. I was splitting yarn like I have never split yarn before. I got the needles at last year’s Maryland…

  • Yesterday’s Songs

    Reference I was starting to put this entry together and was thinking about what I was going to say about the final product, when I realized that I have really gotten behind on showing things here and never showed the yarn that I used for it. This is yarn that I spun a little over…