Category: Baby
Reference Ok, that seems like a really odd title for a post about baby blankets, but I will get to that in a bit. Turns out that my niece Maureen, Colleen‘s twin sister, is also expecting and is due pretty darn soon. And not only is she expecting, but she is expecting twins! Yes, double…
Pretty in Pink
Reference Well, my niece, Colleen, is expecting a little girl (really soon!) I don’t think anyone ever doubted that I would make her something. Because, well, really, must I explain? The pattern for this matinee jacket is from a Hayfield pattern book from years ago. I am pretty sure that the pattern book is not…
Keep On Truckin’
Reference It’s been a while since you have heard from me, again, hasn’t it. Every time I think about posting to my blog, I think, if I just wait until X, I can include that in the post as well! The last of those items on the X list happened today, so today I am…
Cover Me
Reference So, about the baby blanket. As I mentioned earlier, I had a few gifts to make for people that were having babies, and this is the last of the gifts in that series. It is for my niece, who is expecting her first child, my sister’s first grandchild, and my parents’ first great grandchild.…
So Good to Be Bad
Reference Well, as you might have suspected, I did go to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival the other week. It was a hot one, too. I can’t remember it being that warm (up to 90 degrees) at the festival. Fortunately, this year, Columbia Sip and Knit had a hospitality “suite” just outside the entrance…
Bad Boy
Reference Well, you know I couldn’t stay good for long. The completion of two socks meant the commencement of two others. The first is in Dragonfly Fiber‘s Djinni Sock. The colorway is Reluctant Dragon that I purchased at the Homespun Yarn Party. The stitch pattern is one that I have done before, the slip stitch…