Category: Rambling

  • Through the Storm

    Reference So what did you do to pass the time while you watched the Weather Channel for the constant loop on Irene? I worked on two things on Saturday. The top image is of a pair of socks that I making using Dragonfly Fibers Dragon Sock in the Deep Ocean colorway. I started them a…

  • Escape

    Reference There are a lot of reason why I am into my fiber crafts, but one of them is that they provide me a means to, at least for a short while, take my mind off of my problems and think about something else. While I am knitting, spinning, weaving, or sewing, I get to…

  • Here You Come Again

    Reference By now, you have probably heard about the second helping of snow that we are currently getting. It is a concern because it looks like we will may be stuck for a while because of this. Mr. Penney and I have been fortunate in that we have not lost power for any significant period…

  • Let’s Talk About Sex

    I mean socks! Yes, socks! Let’s talk about socks. Definitely socks! Reference For the past few years, I have been mainly doing socks. While I did a few pairs of socks in my early knitting “career”, it wasn’t until I got Sensational Knitted Socks that I really got into knitting socks, and specifically toe-up socks.…

  • Ice Ice Baby

    Reference Well, with this happening this weekend and the fact that everyone should have received their shipment now, I can now talk about Ice Ice Baby, the sock pattern I designed for Sheila, as well as the colorway that Sheila designed for it. Go no further if you haven’t received yours and still want to…

  • Apparently Nothin’

    Reference There has been a lot going on around here, but not a lot to show for it. A little over a week ago, I finished writing up the pattern for Sheila’s sock club so that everyone’s favorite test knitter could start knitting it. I still have some hints and tricks that I want to…

  • Anticipation

    Reference Well, after completing two projects, you would think I would be all giddy and happy and all that. And I was. For about a day. Then I got all moody, wondering what to do next. Granted, it was not like I didn’t have other projects that couldn’t just get off my duff and get…

  • Why

    Reference Well, here it is, the why and the how of entering your local county and state fairs? I am going to try to keep this as general as possible, not focusing on any craft or art in particular. Most fairs have a category for anything you can think of, so finding a place for…

  • Nu Nu

    Or Nuno Reference Last weekend, I went to the Warped Weavers Guild meeting. I haven’t been to a meeting in a year because of the distance and scheduling conflicts. I dearly missed them, so when I was specifically invited to this meeting to celebrate my 40th with them (we will be celebrating my 40th all year!)…

  • If You Ask Me To

    Reference I’ll admit it. I can be very willful and independent. Tell me I can’t do something, and I will show you that I can. Tell me I have to do something, I will show you that I do not have to do it. This is especially true of my crafts. A lot of times,…