
If you are judge for Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, please turn back now.

Ok, what you are about to see is something that I am entering in the festival this weekend.


This is a shawl that I wove with this.


This is yarn that I spun as part of a spin along Kimber of Fiber Optic held over a year ago. It is her olive to slate that I “deconstructed” before spinning. The yarn is 12 wpi, so for the plain weave shawl, I set at 6 epi.

The loom was already threaded for plain weave from the last shawl that I wove on it, so I was able to just re-sley the reed to the new sett and tie the new warp onto the old and just wind it onto the loom, and start weaving pretty quickly. At 6 epi, weaving was quick.

I did have a good bit of shrinkage, about 25%. From looking over some things in Handwoven magazine and from previous projects, this is about right, but I need to start using that in my warp length calculations rather than the 10% that I normally use. (The calculation for warp length is how long you want the weaving to be plus how much you believe the weaving will shrink plus loom waste.)

We shall see how this and my other entries will do in the competition.

Copyright 2013 by G. P. Donohue for


5 responses to “Get Lucky”

  1. Karen Frisa Avatar
    Karen Frisa

    Beautiful!! I’m sure you’ll do well at the Festival. (Wish I could be there to see it in person…)

  2. Mr. Penney Avatar
    Mr. Penney

    Not baaaaad.

  3. Lyn Avatar

    It’s lovely, can’t wait to see it, and hopefully you, this weekend!

  4. I love the pretty color variations in your shawl, All that fringe, is it tedious to do? I know you make it look so easy with your twister, but still. I hope you win the Best in Show! I also look forward to seeing what goes home with you 😉

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