Category: Swap

  • Kokomo

    Reference It’s been a while since I have actually talked about what I am actually working on, so I figured now would be as good of a time as any to do that. First, the infamous Ice Ice Baby sock. I took this photo this morning. I finished off the first sock this evening after…

  • Up, Up and Away

    Reference Looky at what I got from Tulabug (aka Stacey.) This is all part of the Sizzling Summer Swap at Sheila Rovelstad Designs group on Ravelry. In the package are: Tortilla chips Storage containers (already put to use to put stash up and away in the closet) Recipe book from the last cookie swap that…

  • Winter Wonderland

    Reference Yes, I am still kind of out of commission, but I did want to interrupt this irregularly scheduled break to show you the package I got from Kati as part of the Winter Wonderland swap. Nifty, huh! Here is the list of what you are seeing: The yarn is Araucania. In the bag were…