
Well, the socks for Mr. Penney were completed and washed this weekend.

Taiga socks DONE!

Though they don’t exactly look like matching socks, to me at least, they do feel nice. I believe Interlacements uses the same merino superwash that Cherry Tree Hill uses. Nothing confirmed on that, though.

Because I finished the socks for Mr. Penney, have gotten back to the socks that I am knitting in Trekking Pro Natura.

Pro Natura sock heel

The heel is pretty much finished in this picture (and actually is finished now.) BTW, sorry for the quality of the photography. The weather is not cooperating this week, being just a gloomy gray.

I am enjoying working with the Pro Natura now. It is a nice change of pace from all of the other yarns that I have worked with this year, texture-wise. It is also a very consistent, well-made yarn.

And I have joined a club!

Hello Yarn Fiber Club

I figured this would get me back into spinning, and I do love Adrian’s palette. My first fiber arrived on Monday and was beautifully packed. (I am used to receiving stuff on eBay where the yarn or fiber is just placed in a ziplock.) Of course, I can’t show you how it was packed, because I was too much like a kid on Christmas morning to take photos. Fortunately, Adrian has posted a picture of the Wensleydale wool top in a colorway called Mollusc. I must say, I love this colorway! Once I finish the yarn, I will show you why this is especially good for me.

I am trying to spin a sock yarn from it (there is a little over 4 ounces,) and to that end, I split the top down the middle, trying to keep it as even as possible so that the final two ply will have colors matching up. I did some pre-drafting and spun one single Monday night and the other single Tuesday night on my Lendrum Saxony.

Mollusc singles

I was planning on doing the plying last night, but came home with such a headache that I did not want to attempt it.

This whole process has gone kind of fast. I am used to spinning pounds of fleece at a time, so only spinning four ounces makes for a nice diversion.


2 responses to “Hello”

  1. Pretty socks for Mr. Penney! Will he be wearing them? I like your pronatura socks and appreciate your review of the yarn. Thank you for introducing me to more fiber, what gorgeous looking singles!

  2. Wow! What a load of goodies! Mr. Penney’s socks are lovely. I adore the Pro Natura yarn you’re using. That colourway is just lovely. And the fiber you spun up is just gorgeous! I am so tempted to join that fiber club now. I need more fiber like I need another hole in my head. Must remember that.