
UPDATE: I have made a separate page for this so everyone doesn’t have to go looking through old posts to keep up to date on this.

I need your help. I am signed up to run in the Komen Maryland Race for the Cure on October 14th, and I would like you to sponsor me. If you would like to learn more about the charity, click here. This cause is kind of dear to me as my sister-in-law just went through the whole series of treatments last year after being diagnosed with it in 2005. Right now, it looks like she may have licked it. That’s what we all hope and pray.

This will be my first race, so the money you donate is not a bet on whether I come in first or not, because I can tell you now that I won’t. My goal in running the race is just to raise money, make it to the finish line, and not come in last. Lofty, huh? I have been running in the mornings to get back into shape, so I know I can actually make it to the 5K mark without medical assistance. I am a sopping, wringing, soaked mess; but I make it.

As an enticement to sponsor me, I have decided to hold a little raffle similar to one here. OK, I am not necessarily original; but imitiation is flattery, right? In any case, for every $10 (US) that you sponsor me for, you get one ticket in the raffle. Once you have sponsored me, leave a comment on this post to let me know that you want to be considered for the raffle (not everyone that is sponsoring me is fiber folk.) I will send you an email confirming the number of tickets that you ahve in the raffle. No need to leave a comment on the blog (though it would be helpful.) On October 21, I will hold the drawing, supervised by Mr. Penney and Bogey for the following prizes:

First Prize: Over 40 About 44 ounces of natural creamy white Romney singles spun by yours truly.

First Prize First Prize close up

This is a fleece that I purchased from Triple R Farms and had processed by Zeilinger Wool Company. There are about 10 11 wpi to this yarn, with about X 1700 yards total. (I will have to get back to you on that.) Any questions regarding the yarn, please ask in the comments and I will try to answer them. Actually, any questions on any of this.

Second Prize: 1 skein of Colinette Jitterbug in the Summer Berries

Second Prize

I bought this yarn just two months ago at my LYS because it was so striking, figuring that someone in my family would like socks made from this. But this cause is more important than my knitting fun, so one of you will get to knit socks or whatever from this beautiful yarn.

Interested in sponsoring me? Great! Thanks for your support and good luck with the raffle. And again, if there are any questions, just give me a holler in the comments or by email.


2 responses to “You Better Run”

  1. Please enter two tickets for me, your handspun (40 oz!) and your Jitterbug yarn are very appealing!

  2. Hi, Patrick, I donate to this every year, and I’ve chosen you as my runner. Please enter me for 5 tickets.
    Good luck! And please don’t sweat on the yarn.