Sand in My Shoes


Photos courtesy of Mr. Penney.

Well, Mr. Penney and I are back from our little excursion to the beach. We stayed at the Sea Witch Manor in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It is a great little bed and breakfast in a great little beach town where we can park the car and never have to move it again (if we wanted) until it is time to leave.

Sea Witch Sea Witch again

We walked the boardwalk a few times during the trip, as it is an excellent place to people watch; and thus, provide our own running commentary.

On the Boardwalk On the Boardwalk again

Unfortunately, we did not get as much beach time as we would have liked because of the thunderstorms that kept passing through the area while we were down there. But those few hours that we did get were appreciated.

Sunrise Dunes

We did make a little side trip to Lewes, Delaware, which is a quaint little town that is within biking distance (though we drove up there.) They have some nice little shops, restaurants, and some scenic views.

Lewes Still Lewes Lewes again

There are plenty of nice homes. Mr. Penney’s parents are thinking of moving back up this way after moving down South a couple years ago. What do you think of these places for them? (Not that they are up for sale, but one can dream….)

Future home? Or this one?

Mr. Penney received most of his birthday presents before we left, but I was able to surprise him with something while we were down in Reho.

Mr. Penney’s b-day

As for other things we did, we danced, we drank, we ate, we had fun. We can definitely recommend Chez La Mer, Cafe Zeus, and Stoney Lonen as places to eat. YUM.

All good things come to an end though. Here we are, just before check out. I am the one that is always uncomfortable in front of the camera.

Parting shot

It is back to work for me. I will update y’all later on the progress of projects, including the new doggie bed for Bogey, who is currently sleeping off his abandonment issues since returning home from the kennel.


3 responses to “Sand in My Shoes”

  1. Aw, poor Bogey. it’s nice to come home and see that you were missed.
    Great photo of the two of you. The B&B looks really nice. Glad you both had a good vacation. (Did he like the socks?)

  2. What a wonderful & well deserved vacation! I appreciate all the pretty pictures as I wonder when the last time I got roses was. I know Bogey will like his new bed, however, we have a petsitter and do not mention the “k-word” in our home.

  3. It looks like the two of you had a great time! You both look so happy and relaxed. I’ve never seen pictures of anywhere in Delaware so I really appreciate the pictures. Rehoboth Beach looks so idyllic.

    I hope Bogey recovers from the trauma of being left behind soon. Poor guy. 😉