Just a quick reminder that the raffle for those that sponsored me in Race for the Cure is Sunday at 5 PM Eastern. If you have not received confirmation from me (either in person or via email) of the number of tickets that you have in the drawing for the scarves, please contact me via email or comment to this post.

I will be using Random.org’s sequence generator to pick the winners. Of the four scarves, three are complete and ready to be delivered. That last scarf is going on the loom now. It will be the winner’s choice whether they want instant gratification or not. (I am really liking this last scarf!)

Remember, 5PM Eastern on Sunday is the deadline.


Copyright 2008 by G. P. Donohue for textillian.com


2 responses to “Quick Reminder”

  1. *keeps her fingers crossed and waits for Sunday* 🙂

  2. I am so glad there are 4 possible prizes, increasing my odds. I look forward to seeing scarf #4.