Take a Picture


Well, I am still having picture problems at the moment, which is a shame, because I have stuff to show you! Party. Finished socks. The start of pants. And yet, I can’t show it to you.

You see, my host had server problems a couple weeks ago, causing them to transfer my account to another server. Something happened in the transfer, as I have not been able to upload files through WordPress since then.

Hopefully, this will all be sorted out (I almost said “straightened out.” HA!) soon, as I have the post for the party, the socks, and the pants already written.

Le sigh.


4 responses to “Take a Picture”

  1. Oh, I know all about that problem, having just changed hosting providers. Check the file permissions of the folder that you are trying to load to. You may have to have them change the settings, unless you have access to that through your own control panel. I can talk you through it if you need help with that.

  2. Oh how frustrating! I’d be yellin’ at someone to get that fixed. You know me and my pictures. Gotta have’em. Good luck on getting them straightened out. (ha!)

  3. I was really curious (um… concerned) about these knitted pants you were making until I remembered you sew.

  4. I look forward to seeing your pictures soon. The pants are sewn, not knitted, right? I started my Mixed Berries Jitterbug socks, I love all the colors, it is a beautiful skein of yarn.