Diamonds Are Forever


Woohoo! I am done!

Mr. Penney in sweater

True, I am a day late for finishing it in 2007; but it is done, all the same.

I will give details on how I put in the zipper in another post. It took quite a while.

But right now? Afterglow!


7 responses to “Diamonds Are Forever”

  1. Not only is Mr. Penney’s sweater stunningly gorgeous, it fits him perfectly!!! I can’t stop clicking on your picture to take another look. I think people will stop him in the street and offer him $ for his sweater.
    Please do give all your zipper installation details, as inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Seriously stylin’!

  3. Hey textillian~~~

    I hope your having a great time on your NEW YEARS day!
    Hope eveythings goes will and big luck wish your best~~

    O my God..GREAT Sweater!Lovely!


  4. He looks great in the sweater, Patrick. It really a work of art. I love the collar details. (And I like how well the sweater matches the colors in the chaise cushions, I like that color palette, too.)

  5. Stunning sweater and model 😉 A perfect fit! I couldn’t make that with a pattern and personal instructor. Very nicely done!

  6. It looks great! What a fantastic fit!

  7. Wonderful photo AND jumper. In Australia we’d probably call it a ‘wind cheater’. Very impressive.