You Can Do Magic


Well, I can now say I can do the easy toe in my sleep. The sock is now on its way:

Toe conquered

I am doing 68 stitches for this sock because I tried 72 and that was too big of a sock, yet 64 was not quite big enough. For the 68, I just added one more round of increases to the 64 stitch easy toe directions. I am just working stockinette stitch for the foot.

Also, to do the easy toe, I learned to do the magic loop. I know, Roseann will be so proud of me. It was pretty easy to do, though it is still odd to have that wire hanging out, though it is no more in the way that the extra needles on dpns.

 Oh, and thanks to Opal for mentioning Knit Picks to me. While I did not get needles from them yet, I do have a bunch of books on the way, as they are (were?) having a book sale! I will be reading Elizabeth Zimmermann (again) at the beach.

And thanks to Karen for her encouragement. I have never ripped out so much in my life as I have for this sock. But, at least for now, the frustration is over. Hurray!

2 thoughts on “You Can Do Magic

  1. I’m so glad you found the magic number and that you found some books at Knit Picks. Have a great time at the beach. 🙂

  2. I am very proud that you are doing the Magic Loop. I like not having to worry about dropping a needle, which I have done on an airplane and a Metro bus, not fun. I’m glad you found your 68 st sock, I have gone through the same trial and err myself. Now you have a good starting point for future socks or socks for others. I always adjust socks for someone else based on how their foot size compares to mine.

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