I know that I said that my next post would be about the actual race, but really, very little changes about that from year to year. Instead, I want to talk about why I have been doing it all of these years, my sister-in-law Debbie.

Here are a couple of my memories just to give you an idea.

  • Back in high school, I got mono so badly that I wound up in the hospital for a week in respiratory isolation. When I came home from the hospital, I was given medicine to get my appetite back. Debbie was just dating my brother at this point. Debbie’s answer for getting my appetite back: her cheesecake. Her cheesecake was whole lot better than the medicine!
  • When I was coming out to my siblings, it was my brother having Debbie as his wife that moved him up in the order. While not knowing what the reaction would be, I knew that it would be better because of Debbie.

She was very special to us mostly because she accepted people as they were and would do anything for those that she loved.

Thank you again for your support.

Next entry will be fiber related. I have a backlog to show you.

Copyright 2012 by G. P. Donohue for textillian.com


One response to “Thank you”

  1. Thank you for sharing your fond memories of your sister-in-law with us. I am inspired by how she lived her life.