

First, thank you all for your thoughts, concern, and prayers for my father. He says he is feeling fine, and he is looking much better (though just getting out of the hospital gown does wonders for that. Why do they pick a color for those things that washes out every skin color? Talk about what not to wear….)

Now, onto the fun stuff.

Well, I did some weaving of the scarf this weekend, but I thought I would be a lot further than this:

Handspun weaving so far

Do you see that stray little yarn?

Handspun single broken warp end

Yep, a thread in the warp broke. I don’ t believe that this has anything to do with the yarn not being blocked, but rather that the yarn is a single with a high mohair content. Mohair is kind of notorious for being sticky, and all of the action with weaving is pretty abrasive to the yarn. In hindsight, I should have used my 6 dent reed rather than my 12 dent reed. (BTW, I figure on doing a post on all of this weaving terminology that I am using for those of you who are not weavers, so that your eyes don’t glaze over too much from reading this stuff.)

As for now, I am planning on spinning some more yarn to fix the broken warp end as well as use this:

Dove to the rescue

From what I have read, this my help make the yarn not quite so hairy. We shall see.

As for knitting, things are moving along:

Diamond brocade slip stitch progress

I last worked on this at the Wednesday night meet up. It is a pretty easy knit, but it is also a slow knit. That is kind of expected from a slip stitch pattern though.

And the Jitterbug?

Jitterbug parrot sock progress

Pooling as much as ever. Funny thing, I was recently looking at some of my statistics for this site, and I noticed a large number for referals from a site that I have never been to before. I checked it out, and someone had linked in a comment to my last Jitterbug sock, using it as an example of pooling. I just found it funny that something I did would be a prime (or convenient) example of something like that.

6 thoughts on “Single

  1. I’m so glad to hear that your father is feeling better. That is wonderful news! Too bad about your broken warp thread. I love your socks, especailly your slip stitch diamond sock.

  2. Great news about your Dad!

    Too bad about the warp thread, but the scarf looks lovely so far.

  3. Very happy news about your Dad. The weaving is looking good; broken warps are just a fact of life! I’ve never woven with mohair, so I’ll be curious about the hair conditioner. And I really like the color combinations for the slip stitch knitting. Very sharp looking.

  4. I love the way your slip-stitch sock is coming along! The colors and the pattern are so handsome together.

    Glad to hear you Dad is doing well, too.

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