I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)


Been quiet around here, hasn’t it? Well, I have been trying to keep from publishing until I got these off of the loom.

And they finally are off the loom.


There is still a few things left to do before I am completely done with them. But they have gone through the initial cycles of washing and drying for fulling. Now, I just have to cut them apart and sew in the hems. After that, one more time through the washer and dryer.

I think the part that made this project such drudgery was the ironing. One night at knitting, I was talking to Sheila about the rugs and did a quick calculation in my head. While it wasn’t 500 miles, I did do over 300 yards of ironing for just these two rugs. Sheila’s reply when I told here the amount? “You probably shouldn’t have done that calculation.”

On Saturday, I finished up the ironing for the rugs and that night, Mr. Penney and I went to Border’s after dinner. At Border’s, I happened upon Betsy, the president of the local weaving guild. When I told her about the rugs and the ironing that I finished up that day, she was astonished that I did all of that ironing. “I usually just twist my strips so that enough of the right side of the fabric shows.”

Now, ya tell me.

That will have to be something I will have to try the next time. If there is a next time….

Next up, everything else that I have been working on.

Copyright 2011 by G. P. Donohue for textillian.com


4 responses to “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)”

  1. Beautiful rugs Patrick!
    I tried ironing when I made rag placemats and it drove me crazy and I actually like ironing. So I gave up and went with the Betsy Method. THey are a little “hairy” but who cares.

  2. Oh, Grasshopper……..step away from the mental calculations!!!

    They turned out FABULOUS!!!

  3. I know it was a lot of work, but your rugs turned out beautifully! I look forward to seeing what projects you have coming up.

  4. Karen Frisa Avatar
    Karen Frisa

    Nice to see you blogging again!